Deim Seminar
[CORRECCIÓ HORA (12:30) I LLOC (Sala de Graus)] Non-linear filters for the improvement of biomedical
M. Sc. Saúl Calderón Ramírez
Professor/a organitzador/a
Domènec Puig Valls
Costa Rican Institute of Technology
14-07-2017 12:30
The Deceived Weighted Filter Framework (DeWAFF) is a set of filters designed to achieve image abstraction, which refers to the enhancement of perceptually important details of an image such as edges and contrast, and the simplification of less important information like noise and textures. In this talk, the presenter will refer to his experience of implementing the DeWAFF as a preprocessing stage in biomedical processing image system designed for cell segmentation and tracking pipeline. Such system is part of an ongoing research project in collaboration with Dr. Rodrigo Mora and Dr. Steve Quirós, microbiologists at the Chemo-sensibility Laboratory, University of Costa Rica. The presentation present different image processing research challenges tackled and still open. Finally, the presentation will address other biomedical related project initiatives of interest, to finally open the discussion of important challenges in the exciting field of biomedical digital image processing.
Short Bio:
Saúl Calderón is a Computer Science professor and researcher at the Costa Rican Institute of Technology, Costa Rica (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, TEC in Spahish, He has a B. Sc. in Computer Science and a postgraduate degree in Electrical Engineering with mention in digital signal processing, from the University of Costa Rica (Universidad de Costa Rica, UCR in Spanish). He coordinates the Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Group (PARMA Group, ) at the Computer Science Research Center (CIC in Spanish, His areas of interest are image processing and machine learning in application fields such as biomedical imaging and sports analysis, and published 9 papers in international machine learning and image processing conferences. He previously worked at the Image Processing and Computer Vision Group, at the University of Buenos Aires (IPCV Group, UBA,, Argentina, the Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems Laboratory (PRIS-Lab, UCR) and Information and Communication Technologies Research Center (Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, CITIC, UCR,, and also at the Research, Development and Innovation team at Intel, Costa Rica.
Sala de Graus